Krafton India to dive deeper into metaverse and Web 3.0 gaming in 2023, set to introduce new games

Krafton India, the company that developed Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), is looking to make a huge impact in 2023 as it seeks out new opportunities. Sean Hyunil Sohn, CEO of Krafton India, claims that they have lofty goals for the subcontinent’s gaming culture.

Sohn said, “India is rapidly developing into a gaming hub and in 2022 the country will become the largest consumer of mobile games with 15 billion downloads,” while claiming that the company expects growth of over 20% in FY23 and beyond.

With the rise of metaverse and Web 3.0 games, Krafton’s CEO also shed some light on the company’s move towards the world of metaverse and Web 3.0. Sohn, in a statement said, “In 2023, we will continue to accelerate our focus in the field of metaverse and Web 3.0 to build ecosystems and provide unique gaming experiences for users.”

The ban on popular online mobile game BGMI from Krafton this year has set back some of the company’s plans but the CEO assured the players that more exciting times are ahead. Sohn said, “We remain committed to the India market and will continue to launch new titles and work with our partners to further the vision of a holistic gaming ecosystem in India,” according to IGN India.

This move from Krafton gives an idea of the increasing popularity of Web 3.0 and its future in the gaming sector. However, a section of fans has mixed feelings regarding this move.

The company also announced recently that they are still working with the government to bring back BGMI for Indian players as soon as possible. While working on resuming services for BGMI, the company also revealed plans for new games that will be entering the Indian market.

A recent study from consultancy firm Niko Partners suggests that the ban on BGMI may result in slower growth of the fastest growing gaming market in the world. While the study predicts that the player count will increase by more than double by 2026, 2023 will see slower growth.