Make Your Christmas Eventful When You Buy Elrond, Avalanche and Cryptoons

The last month of the year, December, is usually considered to be the Christmas season of the year. For some years now, Christmas has been a harbinger of good things for the crypto market. Many people are looking forward to a similar experience this year. Perhaps, the Christmas season could finally jolt the market back into life. There is nothing traders wouldn’t give for this to happen.

While we all wait and anticipate the effects of the incoming Christmas season, it’s best to prepare for an eventual market reversal. This way, it’ll be easier to enjoy any profits that accrue to the market during this period. This piece will show you the crypto tokens to buy to enjoy the best of Christmas.

Our recommendations are Elrond, Avalanche, and Cryptoons.

Elrond Keeps Crypto Running Smoothly

Elrond is a cryptocurrency designed to handle a high volume of transactions. However, Elrond does more than just process a large number of transactions. This decentralised protocol can also be used to create smart contracts.

Elrond was named after a Lord of the Rings character, but it’s apparent plenty of work has been put into it.

Elrond can process transactions better than other protocols because of its secure proof-of-stake mechanism. This decentralised protocol can handle 15,000 transactions per second. This mechanism requires that users contribute simultaneously to the network. Every staker will earn a reward for their contribution.

Avalanche, The Smart Contract King

Avalanche is a blockchain that can create smart contracts. As a result, it’s considered to be a rival to Ethereum. The unique thing to note about Avalanche is that it can process transactions faster. This cryptocurrency network will provide transaction finality in a few seconds. This differs from the Ethereum network, where users have to wait for several moments.

While Avalanche does not have as many decentralised projects as Ethereum, it’s gradually building an impressive portfolio.

AVAX is the token of this decentralised network. It can pay transaction fees, secure the network, and serve as a basic unit of accounts. Avalanche is also an open-source project. Therefore, anyone with the right skill can edit the decentralised protocol. It’s even possible to use Avalanche’s source code to create another network. Avalanche has only 720 million tokens on this blockchain.

Cryptoons- Perfect For Comic Fans

Cryptoons is a simple project that allows comic book lovers to take their interest to the next level. Think of all those online comic books and graphic novel forums. Imagine having something like that on the blockchain with access to exclusive content. That’s what Cryptoons is all about.

Simply put, Cryptooons brings together manga, comics and webtoon lovers. These users are those who are keenly interested in activities in the comic book world. According to its whitepaper, Cryptoons will serve two main purposes – provide regular updates on comic books and manga, and allow creators to enjoy value for money. To give this utility, this project was split into two separate sections – NFT factory and comic launchpad.

The NFT factory is where creators get to sell their assets. Here, only real creators are allowed to mint. This prevents just anyone from profiting off someone else’s work. If you’re interested in this digital asset, you can buy them here. Cryptoons will also allow you to resell any assets you’ve purchased. You’ll be responsible for negotiating the selling price. However, a percentage of the selling price will go to the original creator of the piece.

The fun doesn’t end there on Cryptoons. You’ll get regular updates on this blockchain-based project. The comic launchpad is the home for comic book-related content. Here, you’ll find announcements about upcoming projects. You can also announce your project to the entire world.


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