OnePlanet integrates with Chainlink VRF

OnePlanet, which happens to be an NFT launchpad and marketplace, in association with Derby Stars, which happens to be a horse-themed NFT project, has successfully incorporated Chainlink Verifiable Random Function (VRF) on the Polygon mainnet. With this process of incorporation having been done with the absolute top-of-the-line decentralized network, they now have gained access to an encroachment proof and auditable way of randomness, which is required in the boosting of Derby Star’s Randombox NFT reveals. This incidentally is readily available on the marketplace of OnePlanet. For all of the users, this turns out to be indeed very beneficial and convenient as they are able to authenticate the fact that they have an even playing field where the minting of the unique NFTs is concerned.

Where OnePlanet is concerned, it happens to be an upcoming NFT launchpad and marketplace positioned on Polygon. It has been created to enhance the building of a new-age NFT collection. These come with certain prizes such as 1 rare horse NFT, 199 rare or common horse NFT, and 800 starter pack NFTs. 

In the current situation where the Randombox reveal mechanism was required to distribute NFTs of Derby Stars in a justified way, the need was for an RNG, which could be audited individually by any user. This is exactly the point when Chainlink VRF came into the picture. The entity happens to be based on very advanced academic research and with the assistance of a dependable oracle network fixed by a generation and on-chain authentication of cryptographic proofs. These then verify each random number forwarded to smart contracts. 

Where Chainlink is concerned, it happens to be the industry’s measuring scale for the Web3 services platform. In the case of OnePlanet, it happens to be an absolute top-of-the-line Polygon NFT marketplace in which holders are able to make expansions on the benefits of their individual NFTs. Derby Stars, on the other hand, happens to be a horse racing game in the metaverse. Players here have the ability to breed, grow, build, and the trading of horses. In the words of the CEO of OnePlanet, Pryce Cho, they happen to be extremely pleased with their ultimate selection of Chainlink VRF as all of the connected users happen to be particular about proof of randomness, thus ensuring to them complete fairness and transparency.