Can The Metaverse Alleviate Overloaded Judicial System?

The justice system of various nations is experiencing difficult times, primarily due to the bizarre judge ratio against thousands of cases. While some disputes conclude quickly, others take days, months, and even years for a verdict. If life is to ease with technological advancement, then it’d be imperative to see if metaverse can aid in resolving the issue while adding perks to the court attendees.

Better Than a Video Conference

Recently, a Columbian court developed the first legal metaverse trial regarding a traffic dispute. The case held in Magdalena Administrative court is available on the video streaming service YouTube. The judge seeing the case told Reuters it was an amazing experience for her. She added that in video calls, people usually turn off their cams, and you don’t know what’s happening.

A Columbian university professor talked to Reuters and explained that judges in the nation are trying to send some relief to the currently overloaded system. The metaverse can help, however, the lack of required hardware renders the issue unattainable. Neither the judicial system nor the citizens have proper access to virtual spaces.

Though the governments can lay a plan for leverage this technology to deliver justice, considering it will go mainstream in forthcoming years. Authorities in nations like Dubai, South Korea, and more are already exploring virtual realms to offer their citizens a different perspective towards the nation.

The metaverse may allow systems to conduct trials of extremely dangerous criminals without letting them out of their cells. Moreover, it would cut travel expenses for people who need to attend a hearing in a different state. Virtual spaces eliminate the security concerns of a trial. There’s always a possibility of a fearless criminal sitting among the attendees with the intention to harm a person.

Digital worlds will float over a tech bed consisting of blockchain, smart contracts, VR/AR, and more. This would enable the judicial system to secure the data, ease financial penalties, and more. Smart contracts would simply execute all the documentation processes upon paying the charges eliminating time consuming for both the court and the person.

Nevertheless, this sounds like a fairytale, an alternate universe with limitless potential. We lack the technology to bring such concepts to life. Though companies like Meta have shipped millions of VR headsets globally, it’s not enough for the metaverse to go mainstream among people.

Today, we are already accessing the metaverse but not in the way we should. Smartphones, TV screens, gaming consoles, and more allow us to delve into virtual worlds, however, technologies like AR/VR/XR will make this experience more immersive in the future.


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