Metaverse revenue to hit $490bn by 2030 – New Telegraph

The revenue to be generated from technology software known as Metaverse has been projected to reach $490 billion in 2030. Metaverse is a virtual world or a collection of virtual worlds that exist in a common digital space which users can access over the internet. Metaverses include applications of virtual reality, augmented reality and other immersive technologies. Global research platform, Statista’s Advertising, estimated that worldwide metaverse revenue will stand at $490 billion in 2030. This, according to the platform, is a comparatively conservative forecast. Other analyst companies assume a market volume of between approximately &750 and  $1,700 billion. It stated that the biggest revenue drivers for metaverses wrre e-commerce and gaming. “In addition, metaverses also offer new opportunities for revenue creation in the segments of education, entertainment, health and fitness and even telecommuting. “Metaverse e-commerce sales alone could grow to more than $200 billion by 2030 from currently just around $20 billion. Gaming is expected to grow even more, from just around $10 billion as of now to around $163 billion in 2030. The next biggest applications for metaverse revenue are health & fitness, workplace and education,” it noted. Metaverse technology has continued to gain traction in Nigeria and other countries across the world as online population keeps increasing. All around the world, the internet continues to transform how people connect with others, organise the flow of things, and share information. With its growing influence

on individual consumers and large economies alike, the internet has become an increasingly vital part of people’s day-to-day lives. In 2021, the number of internet users worldwide stood at 4.9 billion, which means that almost two thirds of the global population is currently connected to the world wide web. While the digital population is visibly growing in many parts of the world, internet access and availability differ significantly depending on the region. While global internet access is increasing steadily, connection quality is superior in countries with developed infrastructures. As of 2021, Monaco has the fastest average fixed broadband internet speed worldwide. Mobile internet has become increasingly widespread and popular over the past few years, as smartphones are more readily available and affordable than ever. As internet users are gradually switching to mobile devices to browse the web on the go, mobile internet now accounts for almost 57 per cent of total web traffic worldwide. As the internet has become an indispensable tool for information, communication, and entertainment, the average daily time spent with the internet per capita is increasing every year. In 2021, users spent an estimated 192 minutes per day online, primarily via smartphone. Some of the most popular mobile internet activities include the use of instant messaging services, video streaming platforms, and social media. On average, internet users spend over 140 minutes per day on social media, with Facebook remaining the leading social network worldwide. Over the past few decades, the internet has also transformed the way products are bought and sold all over the world. As shoppers are increasingly making purchases online, global retail e-commerce sales surpassed $4.2 billion in 2020. A growing number of online transactions are carried out via mobile devices, making m-commerce an ever-more profitable industry. But while digital literacy is expanding, so are the concerns about online privacy, fraud, and hacking.




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