Paul Pierce pays $1.409 million to resolve SEC issues over Ethereum Max; is Antonio Brown next?

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First, it was Kim Kardashian. Now, it’s NBA Hall of Famer Paul Pierce.

Next, could it be former NFL receiver Antonio Brown?

All three promoted Ethereum Max, a cryptocurrency that reportedly went from a market cap of $250 million to zero dollars plus benefits, babe. In October, Karshashian agreed to pay $1.26 million to resolve SEC charges related to her touting of Ethereum Max. Today, the SEC announced that Pierce will pay $1.4 million.

Based on this November 2022 article from Forbes, it’s fair to wonder whether Brown is next, especially since he’s one of the defendants in a class action alleging that Brown, Kardashian, and Pierce pumped and dumped the currency.

Brown’s former teammate, Tom Brady, lost millions when FTX collapsed. Brady has been sued over the implosion of FTX, but he faces no regulatory or criminal scrutiny.