Taiwan may mandate public servants to declare crypto holdings

Taiwan’s Ministry of Justice said on Wednesday that it may be adding cryptocurrencies to the list of properties that public servants must declare.

See related article: Taiwan’s Crypto Future

Fast facts

  • Taiwan’s anti-corruption watchdog said in a statement that it is mulling regulations that will require government officials and employees to report their crypto asset holdings under local property declaration laws.

  • Public servants in Taiwan must declare valuable properties that are worth more than NT$1 million (US$32,900), including cash, deposits, securities and paintings.

  • Crypto assets may be included in the list of properties to declare as early as November this year when public servants report their annual holdings, an official of the Ministry of Justice told Forkast.

  • In July 2021, Taiwan introduced anti-money laundering rules for cryptocurrency service providers, but the industry has remained largely unregulated.

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