ValidEntry joins DeFi market with biometric verification platform

Biometric ID verification startup ValidEntry has released an identity verification platform for decentralized finance (DeFi).

The platform boasts face biometrics with liveness checks, government ID validation, anti-money laundering (AML) and sanctions checks, geolocation and IP verification and background checks.

The platform relies on a patent-pending no-code integration approach to identity and access management (IAM) designed to enable organizations to retain and manage control access to their platforms while also preserving user privacy and anonymity.

According to ValidEntry’s vice president of sales, Chris Utesch, the new platform also supports passwordless authentication and a range of compliance methods, including PEP (politically exposed person), OFAC (office of foreign assets control) and global sanctions.

Utesch says the firm’s authentication and intelligent compliance products are changing the way DeFi operates. Executives are more confident in verifying identities, managing control access and managing sensitive data.

Identity data decentralization is heating up, with Anonybit recently added decentralized biometric authentication to Ping Identity’s partner program.

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biometric liveness detection  |  biometrics  |  decentralized finance  |  face biometrics  |  identity verification  |  KYC  |  passwordless authentication  |  ValidEntry