Sparkles Becomes First NFT Platform on Flare

Sparkles Becomes First NFT Platform on Flare – Focuses on Sustainable NFTs

NFT platform Sparkles will leverage Flare’s decentralized oracle technology.

Sparkles is the only NFT marketplace with carbon net-positive operations.

The platform aims to become fully decentralized after the launch of its SNFT token.

Sparkles, the largest open NFT marketplace on the Songbird Network, has launched on Flare. This makes it the first NFT platform on Flare, a layer one oracle network for blockchain interoperability.

Known for its environmental focus, Sparkles handles over 90% of NFT sales on Songbird. The platform plans to use Flare’s native interoperability features to unlock new use cases for NFT holders.One of these is protecting NFT intellectual property (IP) rights. To that end, its upcoming DOTM collection will feature on-chain IP licensing.

Flare’s State Connector protocol enables secure, scalable, and trustless off-chain information storage….

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