10 Blockchain IoT Companies You Should Know in 2023

IoT and blockchain are two well-known technologies, here are the 10 blockchain IoT companies you should know in 2023

The IoT company has created to where it can raise even commonplace household things to another level-there are as of now IoT-empowered wellness trackers for your dog’s collar, a smart toaster that lets you know when your food has been completely toasted and, surprisingly, mirrors reflect that display on-request exercises and show wellness insights. The main thing passed on to do is to consolidate IoT with another buzzy tech area: Blockchain.

Below are 10 Blockchain IoT Companies You Should Know in 2023:

  1. Iota

With distributed ledger technology for “tamper-proof data, feeless microtransactions, and low resource requirements,” IOTA views its Tangle network as the “backbone of IoT.” Automated trading of data, products, and services is another feature of IOTA’s Industry Marketplace that helps industrial IoT. Global trade and supply chains, customs and border management, and other industries can all benefit from the company’s distributed ledger solutions.

  1. IoTeX – Building MachineFi for Web3

IoTeX has developed a blockchain-based platform that interfaces information and smart devices to blockchain dApps. The product that the company sells, Ucam, is the “world’s first blockchain home security camera.” It combines blockchain and the Internet of Things to guarantee that users will have safe access to footage taken in and around their homes.

  1. NetObjex

NetObjex is currently one of the most popular blockchain-based Internet of Things projects. The Irvine, California-based company has successfully developed a standardized, decentralized infrastructure for IoT device communication. In addition, the company’s IoToken, which is based on blockchain technology, provides a secure digital platform that enables smart devices in a single ecosystem to communicate and interact with one another.

  1. ArcTouch

According to the final addition, ArcTouch is unquestionably the best blockchain IoT startup at the moment. The company’s primary focus is on the creation of blockchain-based applications that facilitate enhanced IoT solution integration. ArcTouch has developed connected, smart solutions that include smart TVs, voice assistants, and even wearables.

The organization focuses on making particular decentralized applications (DApps) that connect to IoT devices. Additionally, ArcTouch’s decentralized applications offer enhanced IoT security.

  1. Ubirch

The UBIRCH Trust Platform can be combined with the Internet of Things platforms to establish what the company refers to as a “chain of trust.” This means that as IoT data is collected, blockchain and cryptography technologies are utilized to guarantee that the data cannot be altered. Medical devices, smart cities, supply chain transparency, and document certification are all possible applications for UBIRCH’s solutions.

  1. Suffescom Solutions Inc.

Suffescom Solutions Inc. is a prominent entry among top blockchain IoT companies with a great deal of potential. Customers can gain access to energy-efficient IoT devices through Suffescom, which makes use of the Ethereum blockchain. It is interesting to note that Suffescom Security focuses on a variety of sectors, such as transportation, agriculture, real estate, supply chain, and utilities.

  1. Western Stack

Western Stack is a leading blockchain development company that provides dedicated teams and cutting-edge technology services to startups and businesses that are growing quickly. It collaborates with clients to design and implement robust, real-world applications to boost revenue and safeguard businesses for the future.

  1. Power Ledger

IoT and blockchain are applied to sustainable energy by Power Ledger. The company wants to make cheap, clean energy available to everyone one day.

Power Ledger currently offers a wide range of energy trading and maintenance products. Additionally, it has power outlets for charging stations and automated payment systems for electric vehicle meters and payment transactions.

  1. Helium

A decentralized machine network is Helium. Blockchain is used to connect low-power Internet of Things (IoT) devices like routers and microchips to the Internet. Utilizing radio technology, Helium’s blockchain-based wireless internet infrastructure strengthens internet connection and significantly reduces the power required to run “smart” machines.

  1. Grid plus

Grid+ makes hardware for digital assets and cryptocurrencies. GridPlus Lattice1 and SafeCard, the company’s hardware wallets, are described as extremely secure and allow users to use cryptocurrency safely and easily. With Lattice1, users can get human signing for smart contracts and a Zigbee antenna allows it to interface with other IoT and smart devices.