Austin Forum on Technology & Society presents Making the Metaverse Matter

Metaverse is not a new concept, but it is recently generating lots of buzz as new metaverse games and applications advance in hardware capabilities and software techniques to provide superior experiences. Gaming serves as a big driver, but we are also starting to see innovative applications in education, retail, healthcare, and more.

The Austin Forum on Technology & Society for a conversation with three leading metaverse experts – Amber Allen of Double A Labs, Hrish Lotlikar of Superworld, and Finn Staber of Chicken Waffle – discuss the current state and expected innovations and applications in metaverse technologies and uses. There will be ample time for audience questions, and then networking with the speakers and attendees. And, as always, one in-person attendee will have a badge for SXSW 2024, at which there is sure to (again) be lots of programming about the metaverse.