Metaverse Offers a Safer Route for School Violence Victims to Report to Police

Although various methods such as going to the police station, calling, texting, or using a smart app are available to report bullying, the only way to keep investigative records or videos is through the police station investigation room.(Image credit: Kobiz Media)

Although various methods such as going to the police station, calling, texting, or using a smart app are available to report bullying, the only way to keep investigative records or videos is through the police station investigation room.(Image credit: Kobiz Media)

SEOUL, April 30 (Korea Bizwire) —The use of the virtual world known as the metaverse has been proposed as a potential tool to alleviate the psychological strain on students subjected to school violence during police investigations, according to a recent publication titled “Police Investigation of School Violence Victims Using Metaverse,” featured in the journal Police Science Research.

The lead author, Yoon Jin-young from the National Criminal Investigation Agency’s Crime Analysis Division, and Kang Sang-wook, the principal of Seoul Robot High School, conducted an online survey of 185 students, including 116 from one middle school and 69 from one high school in Seoul, from June 16 to 23 last year.

The survey results were striking, with 42 students, accounting for 22.7 percent of those surveyed, indicating they would not report school violence due to a fear of police officers, financial and time constraints, and vague concerns.

However, 27 students, comprising 64.3 percent of those surveyed, indicated their willingness to report incidents of school violence if they were able to do so via the metaverse.

The researchers recommend linking metaverse investigations to the criminal justice portal (KICS) and related functions to enable record-keeping and video recording during victim investigations.

Although various methods such as going to the police station, calling, texting, or using a smart app are available to report bullying, the only way to keep investigative records or videos is through the police station investigation room.


As such, the researchers contend that metaverse investigations should be incorporated into the Act on Prevention and Countermeasures against School Violence and the Criminal Procedure Act, given that they constitute an activity of an investigative organization.

According to the researchers, if the police establish a procedure to listen to victims of school violence in the metaverse space, it can be a victim-friendly investigation method due to the advantages of the metaverse, such as non-face-to-face interaction, easy accessibility, and convenience.

Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization) has plans to launch a global police metaverse to provide training for maintaining public order in the virtual world. Moreover, some police departments in Korea have already established metaverse police stations and conducted consultations in a virtual space.

The researchers emphasized the need for active discussions in the field of criminal investigation to explore various ways of using the metaverse in the investigation process, considering that school violence can only be eradicated if victims feel free to report incidents without fear and are comfortable sharing their experiences with police officers.

Metaverse investigations should be incorporated into the legal framework, and police organizations should develop appropriate guidelines and protocols to ensure the privacy, confidentiality, and security of victims’ information.

The use of the metaverse in police investigations of school violence victims presents an innovative and promising approach that can increase reporting rates and improve the quality of investigations.

Victims can access the metaverse space from home, at school, or other convenient locations, and share their experiences with police officers in a safe, non-threatening, and supportive environment.

The metaverse can also provide a platform for preventive interventions, such as counseling, support groups, and educational programs, that can reduce the risk of future incidents and promote healthy and respectful relationships among students.

The metaverse represents a new frontier for policing, and its potential for enhancing public safety and well-being should be explored and harnessed by law enforcement agencies worldwide.

Kevin Lee (