Ethereum Classic Trust: Ownership Concentration Problem (ETCG)

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I’ve covered Grayscale’s Ethereum Classic Trust (ETCG) a couple times in the past and most recently in early March. My general feel on ETCG is that until there is meaningful activity growth on the Ethereum Classic (ETC-USD

Grayscale Trusts Last reporting period Current reporting period Change
Bitcoin (OTC:GBTC) 36,065,470 36,066,527 0.00%
ETHE 11,811,797 8,728,797 -26.10%
ETCG 3,258,770 3,122,214 -4.19%
Horizen (OTCQX:HZEN) 3,643,924 3,614,804 -0.80%
Litecoin (OTCQX:LTCN) 1,296,956 1,126,498 -13.14%
Stellar (OTCQX:GXLM) 118,192 118,589 0.34%
Zcash (OTCQX:ZCSH) 875,407 875,407 0.00%
Bitcoin Cash (OTCQX:BCHG) 1,786,273 1,443,441 -19.19%

Grayscale Trusts AUM Related Party Owns

Ownership Change

GBTC $18,141,053,264 5.21% 0.00%
ETHE $5,652,509,179 2.81% -26.10%
ETCG $225,779,407 22.31% -4.19%
LTCN $132,775,270 6.55% -13.14%
BCHG $35,797,465 4.15% -19.19%
ZCSH $11,926,286 23.17% 0.00%
GXLM $6,889,168 14.38% 0.34%
HZEN $5,805,837 52.86% -0.80%