Where is the metaverse now?

The term “metaverse” burst onto the tech scene with great enthusiasm and fanfare, promising to revolutionize how we interact with digital environments. In recent times, however, “metaverse” has experienced a roller coaster of hype and skepticism. When asked what can be done in the metaverse, people said they would use it for travel experiences, attend virtual meetings or go to a concert. However, not many have actually done any of it.

According to a study by Capgemini published in December 2022, nine out of ten consumers worldwide are interested in the topic, but only a few have actually immersed themselves in a virtual world. It is also observed that emerging countries like India, Peru and Mexico love the metaverse, while developed countries such as the USA and Germany are more likely to question it.  As we explore the state of the metaverse, what led to its rise, the challenges it faces, and its future prospects, it becomes evident that this concept remains a focal point of discussion and development.

The rise of the metaverse bug


The metaverse was heralded as a digital frontier where users could immerse themselves in a vast, interconnected virtual world. However, recent opinions have questioned it, attributing it to the fickleness of tech trends. Yet, amid these claims, some industry experts believe the metaverse may indeed still be relevant. 

The meteoric rise of the metaverse was fueled by several factors, including the advancement of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies, as well as the pandemic’s push toward remote work and digital interaction. However, metaverse’s momentum has been met with skepticism and pushback. The metaverse is currently seen as one  of the failed concepts in the tech industry. Let us look at some of the challenges that have contributed to the mixed reception of the metaverse:

What was needed?


Building a truly immersive and interconnected metaverse is a monumental technical undertaking. Issues like latency, bandwidth, and interoperability among different platforms remain significant barriers. Secondly, the metaverse’s potential for surveillance and data collection has raised serious privacy concerns. Users are wary of the digital footprint they may leave in such an environment.

The fear of a few tech giants monopolizing the metaverse also led to calls for regulatory intervention to ensure fair competition and user protection. Lastly, the metaverse must be accessible to all, regardless of socioeconomic status. Bridging the digital divide and making the metaverse an inclusive space is a substantial challenge.

What Next?


Despite the challenges, the metaverse remains a concept with immense potential. The metaverse could be a transformative force in various fields, from education and entertainment to commerce and social interaction. The metaverse has the potential to redefine how we experience entertainment, sports events, shopping and even travel. It could offer immersive experiences that are indistinguishable from reality.

For example, the metaverse has the potential to transform online shopping from offering static views of merchandise to immersive experiences that enable shoppers to model clothing to find their “look,” select furniture, and move it around the room to visualize how it will look in their home, or walk around a vehicle they are considering buying, sit in the driver’s seat, and experiment with the controls. Similarly, as software platforms become more robust and VR equipment continue to evolve, they will create massive opportunities for developers to build amazing worlds that offer the next, great immersive Metaverse gaming experience.

Remote work and collaboration tools will be transformed within the metaverse. Imagine attending virtual meetings, conferences, and training sessions with the feeling of being in the same room as colleagues from around the world. The metaverse could also revolutionize education by offering interactive, immersive learning experiences. Students could explore historical events, scientific phenomena, or even conduct virtual experiments.


The metaverse could create a thriving digital economy, offering opportunities for content creators, developers, and entrepreneurs to monetize their creations and services. The state of the metaverse is not as clear-cut as the dismissive claims may suggest. It remains a dynamic and evolving concept with both enthusiastic proponents and vocal critics. While challenges such as technical hurdles, privacy concerns, and monopolization must be addressed, the potential benefits are too significant to ignore.

The metaverse has the power to reshape how we interact with digital environments, work, learn, and connect with others. As we move forward, it will be crucial to strike a balance between innovation, regulation, and inclusivity to ensure that the metaverse realizes its transformative potential while safeguarding the rights and privacy of its users. The journey of the metaverse is far from over, and its future remains an exciting and uncertain frontier.

(Ranga Jagannath is Senior Director, Agora)

Ranga Jagannath

Ranga Jagannath

Ranga Jagannath is the Director – Growth, Agora, a platform for real-time engagement technologies.