Core Ethereum Devs Launch ‘Pump the Gas’ to Raise Gas Limit

Ethereum’s developers are making strides to elevate the blockchain network’s capacity by boosting the gas limit, a move aimed at enhancing scalability. 

Eric Connor, a core Ethereum developer, alongside Mariano Conti, former head of smart contracts at MakerDAO, recently launched the ‘Pump the Gas’ initiative, to raise the gas limit from its stagnant 30 million to a more dynamic 40 million, with the promise of reducing transaction fees on Ethereum’s primary layer.

According to Connor, this adjustment could potentially slash layer-1 transaction fees by a significant margin, anywhere between 15% to 33%. Their call to action extends to solo stakers, client teams, pools, and the wider Ethereum community, urging them to join forces in this endeavor.

The rallying cry, encapsulated in the #pumpthegas hashtag, has been met with enthusiasm from Ethereum users, stakers, and DeFi investors alike. Notably, a validator from Rocket Pool has already stepped up to propose a block with the desired 40 million gas limit, signaling every momentum for the initiative.

Over recent months, there’s been a growing push to increase Ethreum’s gas limit. Vitalik Buterin, one of its co-founders, proposed raising it from 30 million to 40 million, a move supported by Jesse Pollak and others.

The gas limit determines the maximum amount of transaction processing in each block, crucial for maintaining network efficiency and security. Increasing it by 33% could significantly boost Ethereum’s capacity, enhancing transaction throughput.

Furthermore, recent upgrades like data blobs offer promising solutions to reduce transaction fees on both layer-1 and layer-2, making Ethereum more scalable and accessible for all users.

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