Residents at the end of their tether over potholes

Residents at the end of their tether after potholes continue to get worse (Image: Public)

Heaton residents have called for action after they say they have been dealing with potholes in the area for the last five years.

Nicola Saxon says that patch work has been carried out on the Ladybridge estate but that it is “not fit for purpose” because it is only a few days later that the road is in need of resurfacing.

Cllr Andy Morgan, who represents Heaton and Lostock, says that he is in constant conversations with the council’s highways team and admits that the road was built in the 1970s and is coming to the end of its “natural, useful life”.

Nicola is concerned over the danger that this poses for drivers and pedestrians, especially elderly residents.

She said: “It’s a constant battle.

“When you are driving you are looking out for the potholes and trying to avoid them on the road because they are so deep.

“There are a lot of pensioners trying to cross the road and it’s a danger for them.

The Bolton News: Some of the potholes are causing concern due to the depth

The Bolton News: Some of the potholes are causing concern due to the depth

Some of the potholes are causing concern due to the depth (Image: Public)

“This has gone on long enough.

“Somebody will be killed if nothing is done.

“The residents have had enough.”

Nicola added that potholes are being reported every other day.

Cllr Morgan says that the more people that report the potholes the higher up it moves on the list.

He also explained that there is an issue with funding and that it would cost millions to resurface Armadale Road on the estate, but that he is doing all he can to resolve the problem.

He said: “We constantly raise the issue on Armadale Road with the highways team.

“Engineers assess all the roads put on the lists for repairs and prioritise what street can be done.

“When potholes are reported they go into a scheme and get assessed.

“I would encourage residents to report the potholes so it can be the first on the list.

“I completely sympathise with the residents, and I promise I will raise this issue.

“I am doing everything to get the repairs done.”

Cllr Morgan also said that potholes is also an issue across the whole town and that some of the roads in Heaton and Lostock are in just as bad a position.

He added: “They all have schemes waiting to be implemented when they get to the top of the list when funds are available.”

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