Ofsted: Polkadot Nursery receive ‘good’ Ofsted rating

‘KIND and gentle’ staff have been praised for their efforts to turn around the fortunes of a town’s nursery. 

Polkadot Nursery in Pershore has been awarded a good rating after receiving an inadequate rating earlier this year. 

The nursery manager praised the team at the Station Road-based nursery for working “incredibly hard” to achieve the rating.

In a May inspection inspectors found some good aspects, but judged it to be overall inadequate. 

A further inspection took place on October 25, and staff turned it round with the overall effectiveness judged to be good. 

Worcester News: GOOD: Polkadot Nursery has received a good ratingGOOD: Polkadot Nursery has received a good rating (Image: Old Station Nursery Group)

All the categories were found to be good including the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development and leadership and management.

Inspectors found: “The manager has made significant improvements since the last inspection and has addressed the action raised.

“Staff and managers have made effective changes.

“Children arrive happy and settle quickly at this warm and welcoming nursery.

“They build strong bonds with the kind and gentle staff, which helps them to feel safe and secure.

“Children develop good independence skills. Babies learn to feed themselves and choose their own play.

Worcester News: NURSERY: Polkadot NurseryNURSERY: Polkadot Nursery (Image: Google)

“Older children learn to manage their own self-care needs.

“The manager has high expectations for all children in her care. She has devised a well-sequenced curriculum that covers all areas of learning.”

Inspectors added that an area that could be improved was for staff to provide more opportunities for parents to be part of the assessment of their children’s learning, but noted “parents speak very highly of the nursery”.

The nursery, part of the Old Station Nursery Group, provides full-time and part-time care for children aged three months to five-years-old. 

Nursery manager Alex Taylor said: “I am so proud of my team.

“This is such an important achievement for myself and the team which recognises the dedication and hard work which we put into the nursery for our families.”

Sarah Steel, chief executive of the Old Station Nursery Group added: “The nursery team have worked hard to ensure all the children are given the opportunities to gain their independence and make decisions through their play, with the support and guidance of the team.

“Well done to everyone at the nursery.”