Avoid Market Volatility With Big Eyes, Stablecoins Tether And Origin Dollar

Here is why stablecoins like Tether and Origin Dollar are ideal for those who wish to avoid the instability of altcoins. Although it isn’t a stablecoin, Big Eyes is doing all it can to keep investors from suffering from the volatility of the crypto market. 

The First Ever Stablecoin: Tether

A lot of crypto investors are faced with uncertainty when it comes to the crypto market. People can often end up losing funds due to the volatility of the market, with it being so unpredictable, more people are turning to stablecoins. With stablecoins people are less worried about dealing with sudden changes in the value of the currency they are investing in. A stablecoin will peg itself to a fiat currency, which is a regular form of currency that people use day to day.

Tether is the first of its kind and the most well-known stablecoin in crypto. It is highly praised for its security and how well it bridges the gap between crypto and fiat currencies. This makes it a very useful medium for trade and exchange due to investors being able to speculate the market easily.

The Investors Crypto: Origin Dollar

Big Eyes

Origin Dollar (OUSD) was founded by the same individuals that founded PayPal. So it is safe to say that when it comes to financing the founders were already quite experienced in their handling. Stablecoins can be backed in various ways, one of the most common ways is having the coin connected to a fiat currency. Other ways include the stablecoins being backed by Gold or other precious metals such as silver or platinum.

Origin Dollar however is backed by three other stable currencies: Tether, USD Coin and DAI. These currencies were specially selected because of their widespread usage. Origin Dollar was designed to be superior to other stable currencies on the market, due to its ability to gain yields whilst being passively held in investor’s wallets.

Big Eyes On The Big Prize

Although Big Eyes is not a stable currency, that doesn’t stop Big Eyes from trying its best to prevent the volatility of the market from hindering investments. Big Eyes wants to ensure that each individual gets more for their money. Introducing Loot boxes into their presale was probably one of the best moves that Big Eyes could make. The chance that someone could win up to 5000% return on their investment has sparked a great interest in Big Eyes

Not only are Loot boxes available for purchase on the official Big Eyes website, but also any investment made over $100, if they use the vault code 819, investors will be entitled to their very own loot boxes! Big Eyes hopes that this extra $BIG will cushion the blow for investors when the market begins to show instability, as they will have more $BIG to fall back on.

All in all, the Big Eyes presale has been one for the books, Big Eyes has made over 31 million dollars from its sales and it is fair to say that many are anticipating what else Big Eyes will have to offer once the launch happens.

To learn more about Big Eyes Coin (BIG), click on the following links:

Presale: https://buy.bigeyes.space/

Website: https://bigeyes.space/

Telegram: https://t.me/BIGEYESOFFICIAL

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