How NFT art/AI art has become an important factor in the Art and Design Space

The digital world got a boost from the undesirable situation of the pandemic bringing a host of new technologies into public domain. NFTs and AI are amongst these new technologies. Both have perhaps existed for years but it is only recently that they have taken every privileged device owner by storm bringing several use cases to light. 

If you are still a novice in the space, NFT art is a type of digital art that is verified on a blockchain, allowing for its provenance and ownership to be easily tracked and verified. AI (Artificial Intelligence) Art on the other hand is artwork created using algorithms that can learn from large datasets and generate unique art nearly every time. Both are a force to reckon with. And just like everything, they bring their opportunities as well as challenges. 

To begin with, NFTs provide an opportunity to democratise the art space. By providing more artists an opportunity to develop their respective careers and to earn money outside of the traditional art ecosystem, NFTs can make the field a lot more lucrative for younger and smaller artists. Furthermore, the integration of tech and art has the potential to innovate the creative processes of art making and hence also impacting the way we teach and learn in the creative fields. This could also result in newer art forms, styles or even a revival of the lost ones. 

In India, several artists, galleries and institutions have already taken substantial initiatives to explore NFT and AI art. For instance,, led by Nature Mortes Aparajita Jain, is an open platform that offers creators a marketplace to sell their works as NFTs. The Upside Space, led by Lisa Ray is another such platform that organises digital and phygital shows with a substantial focus on NFTs, conceptualised by curators. Several physical art galleries such Chemould Prescott Road, Nature Morte, Method India and more have also presented shows with artists who have created NFTs.

It is yet an emerging concept in India, but the potential of the new technology could play a major role in developing the creative economy. However, this may happen even more effectively if we, the stakeholders, are able to create a conducive ecosystem for this technology to thrive in the art and design space. There is still a general lack of awareness about these technologies amongst people. Additionally, these technologies require technical skills and resources which may serve as a major barrier for many. For instance, learning how to open a digital wallet and trading in crypto or minting an artwork as a NFT. In India currently, there are also certain regulatory concerns and intellectual property issues that need a lot more clarity and proper frameworks and guidelines that can align with the judicial requirements of this space in India.

NFTs an AI art are inevitable futures in the space of art and design. Thus far, Ive mentioned about these technologies in art, but these technologies have an equal weightage in the domains of design. For instance, Tommy Hilfiger was amongst the first few fashion houses that used Generative Design (powered by AI) to predict future trends and produce a collection of clothes. here are several designers and even brands that have adopted these technologies in their creative processes. Similarly, an interior design studio DesignRaaga created a set of NFTs featuring unique digital interior designs inspired by Indian art and culture. 

If I were to imagine an ecosystem that is conducive to the use of these technologies in the space of art and design, my intuition would point me towards developments within the educational framework to begin with. Professionals and corporates of the creative industry have often complained about gaps in the education and the professional world. Introducing these technologies in the education system at a higher level would not only aid in developing knowledge and skills but also in getting students to become future ready. Exposure to the technicalities of NFTs and AI, understanding the integration of art and tech or design and tech, learning about the legal frameworks behind intellectual properties and copyrights will only enhance the acceptability of these technologies in the creative domains. 

The creative industry is bound to go through significant transformation in the near future. NFTs can revolutionise the way artists are paid. The blockchain technology can solve issues related to authenticity and ownership. AI can help create more engaging digital experiences and innovate creative processes across all domains of art and design. But how we develop and use these technologies against other challenges such as their energy consumption, their carbon footprint, their regulatory frameworks etc. are yet to be seen. I believe, time will tell. But if you are an artist or a designer and you haven’t already made yourself familiar with these technologies, I suggest that you at least give it a chance with an open mind. 



Views expressed above are the author’s own.