LAS VEGAS, April 5, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The Government Blockchain Association (GBA) announces that is the first company with a blockchain solution that satisfies the rigorous requirements of the Blockchain Maturity Model (BMM) and has been rated as a Level One Trusted Blockchain Solution.

The Blockchain Maturity Model (BMM) is a five level evaluation framework from concept to a full production platform and examines a blockchain solution from eleven separate perspectives that are required for a blockchain solution to be trusted. The BMM requirements were developed by blockchain experts that have built blockchain solutions for the United Nations, national, and local governments. Satisfying these requirements demonstrates that their solution can be trusted by government, industry, and the general public. builds solutions for the land-based casino industry. Their technology collects, analyzes, and reports data to support casino operators and regulators. Its cutting-edge platform, technology and apps are present in more than 40 countries.

“The BMM is the most comprehensive standard worldwide for blockchain” stated Earle G. Hall. “We invested heavily in this certification process because it is much more than another SOC 2 or other such comparable standard, BMM forces you to look deep into your structure and organization to ensure that your blockchain aspirations are sustainable from all organizational perspectives. This process added value to our platform, technology and commercialization strategy, and we exited this process as a stronger company than we started. Bravo to the GBA, its independent assessors and curators for the incredible process, and we are so excited to begin the next level.”

Gerard Dache, Executive Director of the Government Blockchain Association stated “AXES is currently developing its fourth generation of its cloud information platform. The project name is called AXES INTEGRITY and the BMM was a perfect fit to support and guide this project. Using blockchain was not enough for AXES, and we were quite excited when they proposed to seek their BMM level 1 rating as a testimonial of their commitment to protecting their customers and their players. To ensure that AXES could base their claims on an independently proven and audited process, they turned to GBA. We were very impressed with the level of integrity and diligence of the team, and we would like to formally congratulate them for working so hard to achieve a level one BMM rating.”

ABOUT, is a world-class Fintech, present in more than 40 countries. The AXES Cloud comprises four platforms: Cashless, Loyalty and Engagement, Business Intelligence, and DooH Media. AXES Fintech integrates the entire cashless digital workflow from open to closed loop, cashier, kiosks, and the flagship all-inclusive Butler player APP. AXES Media boasts a highly engaging interactive media experience to broadcast publicity, ads, information, and clickable content and is fully integrated with the AXES Cashless Experience. AXES empowers governments, casinos, and route/street with real-time IoT data collection, actionable information, fully integrated cashless applications and endless APPS, making AXES the future of casino information management TODAY.

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The GBA is a global non-profit organization with public-sector members that work in over 500 government offices around the world and private-sector professionals in over 50 working groups. Public and private sector members work together to use blockchain and related technologies to solve public sector challenges.

[email protected]

The BMM is a technology-agnostic model along with an assessment methodology, training assets, and a suite of tools to improve solutions to ensure that the solutions can be trusted. It also provides confidence to investors, customers, and acquisition officials that blockchain solutions can be trusted.

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