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While climate change has been at the forefront of global discussions recently, the conversations around sustainable edtech are not mainstream. Nonetheless, the effects of climate change can have a direct impact on education and need more attention in the education sector.

Concern Worldwide US describes climate change as one of the biggest threats to education. It is an apt description because extreme weather conditions result in the destruction of school buildings and other infrastructures that the school system relies on.

Even when schools are not directly affected by extreme weather conditions, school buildings are still useful for housing others displaced by these weather conditions. Also, the impact of climate change on a family’s disposable income hampers the parents’ ability to afford an education for their children.

Hence, the Climate Risk Index Report by UNICEF asserted that the climate crisis is beyond an environmental issue but also a child’s rights crisis, as children are more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change in society.

In view of the impact of climate change on education, it is imperative that we take a cursory look at climate change from the standpoint of education, technology, and sustainability.

Exploring the Environmental Footprint of Sustainable EdTech

With the climate change discourse in full gear, industries have taken a closer look at their contributions to the global climate crisis. The digital technology industry, of which the edtech space is a subset, is proffering solutions to the global climate crisis.

With digital technology having the capacity to reduce about 15 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions, the World Economic Forum argues that the sector wields the most power to stabilize the temperatures around the globe.

A glance at the edtech space shows that edtech companies are not only bringing energy-saving software to schools but also introducing other cutting-edge learning and teaching enablements that ensure that students and educators stay in touch and perform school tasks from wherever they are. Hence, they are cutting down on the use of gas, which translates to the reduction of emissions.

However, not all edtech solutions are sustainable, which brings us to the issue of sustainable edtech.  Schools and other educational institutions need to reassess the energy efficiency of their ICT units and understand the ratio of emissions generated for every student. In making buying decisions, schools should opt for sustainability in edtech solutions.

On the part of edtech companies, it is only imperative that sustainability becomes a major concern. Edtechs can achieve sustainability by reducing the consumption of energy to its barest minimum, using eco-friendly edtech solutions, and ensuring proper disposal of e-waste.

Sustainable EdTech and Reduction of Carbon Emissions in Education in Africa

According to Statista, the African continent has cumulatively emitted 48 billion metric tons of carbon between 1884 and 2020. While it is the lowest in comparison to other continents of the world, it still points to the need for reduced carbon emissions to save the planet.

Leveraging green edtech in schools across the continent wields power to reduce carbon emissions. Hence, edtech companies can use one stone to kill two birds – enhancing the quality of education while reducing the impact on the environment.

Implementing Green EdTech for Students and Educators

Schools that switch from a paper-based storage system to cloud-based storage with the use of sustainable education technology will cut their energy consumption drastically. By utilizing education technology, schools can cut down on paper-based learning,  embrace online learning, and communicate with parents and other stakeholders through electronic devices.

They can also save time and energy spent while commuting. Google Meet, Zoom, and other video conferencing tools help to achieve communication between students and education without jeopardizing the face-to-face experience with in-person meetings.

Also, educators can redirect the funds saved on paper into further enriching the learning experience of students, which will, in turn, enhance the overall performance of students in the school.

Apart from facilitating school processes, it will serve as a vital learning curve for students, especially about the global climate crisis and the need to conserve energy. Students can learn valuable lessons about the impact of their actions and use of resources on the environment

Best Practices for Sustainable EdTech

The increased use of technology in education comes with an associated increased exposure to security threats. However, cybersecurity tools are rising to the occasion and helping schools navigate these issues. Hence, a sustainable edtech solution will take cybersecurity seriously and stay up-to-date with its cybersecurity protection.

Edtechs can also leverage artificial intelligence in the bid to remain sustainable and combat climate change. While AI can be used in edtech solutions to create personalized learning for students, it can also come in handy for helping a school gain green status. Integrating AI into edtech solutions can help schools and other educational institutions keep track of their carbon emissions and find ways to cut down on these emissions from power plants, etc.

In making edtech more sustainable, edtech solutions embracing augmented and virtual reality will give students a learning experience that does not take them outside the school walls. Hence, the school can conserve energy and reduce its carbon footprint.

Envisioning the Future of Sustainable EdTech in Africa

The future unicorns of the edtech space in Africa will be the ones that have moved beyond edtech to sustainable edtech. Indeed, climate change is a real-world problem, and edtechs also have a role to play in the grand scheme of things.

In Africa, the consequences of climate change are direr. According to the African Development Bank report, the continent is the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change, even though its emissions are the lowest. Hence, tackling climate change with edtech tools will give birth to more market opportunities in the continent.

With the increasing number of edtechs in Africa and Nigeria having its fair share of it, it is only reasonable that edtech companies transition fully into sustainable education technology, combat climate change and help drive the continent closer to achieving its sustainable development goals.

Realistically, the edtechs in Africa cannot achieve sustainability overnight. The industry is already dealing with the challenges of being innovative in a rapidly changing environment fraught with infrastructural and governmental issues. However, sustainability is the future of education technology in Africa and the next big thing for edtech companies.