Metaverse and the future of product interaction

By Jayant Varma, Director Head of Product, mPokket

In today’s digital age, the advent of the metaverse marks a watershed moment in the evolution of the internet. Metaverse integrates technologies like virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and other elements and dynamically transforms how we interact with products and services. The virtual environment reflects the intricacies of the real world.

It is important to note that the digital experiences that the metaverse brings to the fore are not just extensions of the physical world but are equally nuanced and complex. Metaverse aims to seamlessly blend digital and physical words and reimagine the way we perceive and interact with technology, products, and each other in an increasingly interconnected world.

In India, the Metaverse is projected to grow into a staggering $1.1 trillion market by 2032.
Encompassing various sectors such as education, training, gaming, entertainment, and commerce, the Metaverse is set to revolutionise every aspect of these industries. Its impact is expected to be comprehensive and far-reaching, transforming the way these verticals operate and interact with technology.

User experience
Metaverse is all about immersive user experience. As the digital environment is as real, convincing, and engaging as the physical world, there arises the need to reimagine product design, focusing on multi-sensory experiences that go far beyond visual stimuli. Therefore, product designers need to create products that are not just visually appealing but are also engaging. This involves integrating haptic feedback, 3D audio, and even olfactory elements to create a holistic experience.

Brand immersion
The metaverse offers brands a unique platform for customer engagement. In this digital realm, companies can create immersive brand experiences unbounded by physical limitations. This enables a deeper, more personal connection with customers, fostering brand loyalty. For instance, a fashion brand could create a virtual showroom where customers can try on and customise clothing in the metaverse, creating a unique and personalised shopping experience.

Virtual interactions
The advancement of VR and AR technologies is central to the development of the metaverse. These technologies allow for a level of interaction and immersion previously unattainable, enabling users to experience products in a completely new way. The design challenge lies in integrating these technologies in a way that enhances user experience. For example, AR can be used to overlay digital information onto physical products, while VR can create entirely new product experiences in a virtual environment.

Social interaction
The metaverse is not just a series of isolated experiences; it is a dynamic, social space. This aspect of the metaverse demands a new approach to product and service design, one that fosters community and interaction. In this environment, products are not just tools or commodities but are part of a larger social experience. For instance, a virtual event in the metaverse can allow for real-time interaction among participants from across the globe, creating a sense of community and shared experience.

New design challenges
Designing for the metaverse involves understanding and incorporating spatial awareness, social presence, and a high level of immersion. It challenges designers to move beyond the flat, two- dimensional interfaces of traditional screens to create experiences that are engaging in a three-dimensional space. This requires a rethinking of navigation, interaction, and the overall user experience in a way that is intuitive and natural within the context of a 3D environment.

Future trends
As the metaverse continues to evolve, so must the approach to product design. This includes
considering how familiar objects can be repurposed as functional interface elements in a virtual environment. Additionally, understanding the dynamics of group interactions in virtual spaces is crucial. Designers must anticipate these trends and adapt their designs accordingly, ensuring that products remain relevant and engaging in the ever-changing landscape of the metaverse.

In India, the metaverse presents significant opportunities for businesses to redefine consumer experiences. It opens up possibilities for more interactive, personalised, and adventurous engagements with customers. This not only increases customer engagement and loyalty but also creates new avenues for value exchange and revenue streams. The metaverse, with its potential to impact diverse sectors like communications, retail, manufacturing, education, and banking, is poised to be a game-changer in the Indian market.

Thus, the rise of the metaverse is a paradigm shift in the interaction between users, products, and services. It necessitates a new approach to product design, one that is adaptable to the unique challenges and opportunities presented by this immersive digital environment. As the metaverse continues to expand its reach and influence, businesses and designers in India and around the world must evolve to meet the demands of this new digital era. The metaverse is not just a technological innovation; it is a new frontier in human interaction and experience, offering endless possibilities for creativity and connection in a virtual world.