Gauntlet collaborates with DeFi lending protocol Morpho – Digital Transformation News

Gauntlet, a decentralised finance (DeFi) risk management firm, collaborated with Morpho, a DeFi lending protocol.The collaboration is expected to take place after Gauntlet parted ways with Aave, stated Cointelegraph.

Sources revealed that the partnership was announced on February 27, 2023. It is believed that Gauntlet created its own lending products on MorphoBlue, a new protocol that allows firms to spin up “vaults’, user’s own lending and borrowing pools, added Cointelegraph.

“ Historically risk management has operated under a pull model within DAOs via other service providers, delegates, and community. In MetaMorpho, risk management is a first-class citizen and the pull comes directly from the market. We anticipate stress-testing our capabilities and look forward to the challenge!,” Gauntlet tweeted.

It is believed that Morpho’s lending pools must answer to the AaveDAO. Furthermore, the decentralized autonomous organisation responsible for governing the protocol.

(With insights from Cointelegraph)

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